
Cornwall Golf Union

Unification Update February 2025

Many may be asking what the potential Unification of the Cornwall Ladies County Golf Association with the Cornwall Golf Union means and involves.

With a date set for March 2026 here is a brief outline.

What is Unification?
Unification refers to the merging of the Men’s Golf Union and the Ladies Golf Association. Unification will not affect the way you play golf. This will be a seamless transition from CGU and CLCGA to Cornwall Golf.  Cornwall Golf will become incorporated and therefore a Limited Company.

Why Unify?
Since 1996, Sport England has worked to break down barriers in sports, including gender. This led to unification efforts across golf, starting with the merger of the English Golf Union and the English Women’s Golf Association in 2012, followed by the Ladies Golf Union merging with the R&A in 2017. Many counties have followed suit.

What’s Happening in Cornwall?
In 2023, the Executive Cornwall Golf Union (CGU) and Cornwall Ladies County Golf Association (CLCGA) agreed to unify. A working group was set up to move forward with this plan, consisting of key representatives from both organisations.

Benefits of Unification
Unified purpose, vision, and strategy
A streamlined structure for clubs and members
Making better use of shared resources
Improved communication and representation for the county at regional and national levels
Promotion of equality and a more inclusive golf community
New opportunities for sponsorship and events
Progress So Far
By 2024, meetings were held to explore best practices from other counties. A new name, “Cornwall Golf Limited” has been chosen, and plans for a board structure have been proposed. The board will include both male and female members, with a strong focus on gender equality.

Committees and Responsibilities
The directors will oversee key areas such as finance, governance, golf development, coaching, marketing, and competitions.

Mission, Vision, and Values
Mission: To increase participation in golf and support all golfers in Cornwall.
Vision: To make golf accessible to everyone.
Values: Inclusive, Honest, Supportive, Excellent, Responsible.
What’s Next?

Legal processes to dissolve the CGU and CLCGA
Establishment of Cornwall Golf Limited as a new entity.

Dissolution of the Cornwall Golf Union and Cornwall Ladies County Golf Association and this will require approval by a two thirds majority of those present at a General Meeting. Full unification expected by the end of February 2026, with the launch of a new structure and website.

Unified Counties

As of September 2024, ten counties in England have already unified, including Bedfordshire, Derbyshire, Devon, Kent, Lancashire and Wiltshire.


If you have any questions or concerns please do get in touch!



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